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2017-01-17 10:30
First aid for electrical burns
First aid for electrical burns

Dr. Tarek Mohamed Raef, Assistant Dental Surgery teacher cosmetic Faculty of Medicine at the University of Assiut, explains that the burning means any damage or loss of skin or tissue, resulting from exposure to the material thermal, electrical or chemical, so the burns three types and be the reasons leading to it are:

* thermal burns result from exposure to temperatures too high or too low, such as burns firearms or exposure to hot liquids or direct sunlight heat.
* Chemical burns result from exposure to chemicals highly alkaline or acidic.
*burns caused by electrical contact with the human body electric current or lightning.

Dr. Raef indicates that each type of three burns his first aid that suit him, so the first aid for electrical burns be follow through 6 reserves, namely:

* dimension from the electrical source that caused the burn.

* Identification of the depth of the burn.

* Cover burns with dry sterile bandage.

* do not put water on the burns because they do not subside the burn.

* monitor whether there are signs of threatening a person's life, such as irregular heartbeat or breathing problems.

* visit the doctor to describe the suitable medicine.


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