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2017-01-29 04:45
Methods of expression for positive feelings for your child
Methods of expression for positive feelings for your child

Dr. Saifuddin Lotfy said, a professor of psychiatry at Ain Shams University, said that the show of love from the mother and father of the child is necessary , stressing that the mother transform every day of the life of her child to the holiday love, and explained in this context 10 ways from which to express their feelings of love for the child, namely:

*. use a lot of positive and encouraging words with your child, with an attempt to avoid the use of sarcasm or ridicule.

*.make extra effort to be a good example on how to contact and talk with other people in the home and in public, and the useing of words such as "I'm sorry," "please" and "thank you", because children are watching and emulating the behavior of their parents.

*. The immediate response and lovingly to your child's physical and emotional needs, where it needs to be available to listen to your child when he or she wants to talk with you even if it is not the best time for you.

*. When your child is angry or in a bad mood, you must give him a hug quickly, as it is a secret signal to improve his feeling.

*. Develop plans to spend some time with your preschooler or a teenager alone, so he can feel you love him and prefer about other things.

*. Encourage your child to activity through walking, cycling, or playing ball with him or her.

*. Stop the use of mobile phones or tablet computer,and spend time with the family.

*. owning a pet, if possible, since the presence of pets can help children to increase physical activity, and enhance their feelings in general.

*. One of the best ways for your child to learn more about good food choices is to encourage him to cook with you, let him start in the planning of shopping lists to prepare ingredients for food preparation actual, talk during cooking urging him to choose healthy food.

*. start reading to your child from six months, while avoiding television in the first two years, and control and watch television with older children, and the use of television, computer and video games for a period not exceeding two hours a day.


Do not forget to say "I love you" to children of all ages.


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