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2017-01-20 05:20
The list of foods for the winter
The list of foods for the winter

During the winter there are range of fruits and vegetables, you'll take advantage of them because they help you to get warm and supply your body with nutrients and fighting mood swings,like depression and also help in weight loss, according to a report published by the website of the Indian newspaper "Times of India" .

According to the report of the foods that make you happy and enjoy with the healthy body and help to loss weight: Chicken Soup with vegetables, eating it in winter, resulting in the recovery from injury of caughting a cold and make you feel full for a long period of time , because they take too much until it is digested.

Acidic fruit that plunging markets during the winter, such as oranges, grapes, tangerines , the eating many of which extends to the body a lot of vitamin C, which works to strengthen the immune system, as they also contain fiber, which works to digest well and help in weight loss.

As stated in the report, adding the green chili to the food during the winter it helps to raise metabolic rate and weight loss, but for eating potatoes are working to strengthen the immune system and provide the body with lots of vitamins and minerals and keeps blood sugar levels regularly and make you feel full For a long time.


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